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School of Physics and Astronomy Lecture Demonstrations
1A - Measurement
1C - Motion in One Dimension
1D - Motion in Two Dimensions
1E - Relative Motion
1F - Newton's First Law
1G - Newton's Second Law
1H - Newton's Third Law
1J - Statics of Rigid Bodies
1K - Applications of Newton's Laws
1L - Gravity
1M - Work and Energy
1N - Linear Momentum and Collisions
1Q - Rotational Dynamics
1R - Properties of Matter
2A - Surface Tension
2B - Statics of Fluids
2C - Dynamics of Fluids
3A - Oscillations
3B - Wave Motion
3C - Acoustics
3D - Instruments
4A - Thermal Properties of Matter
4B - Heat and the First Law
4C - Change of State
4D - Kinetic Theory
4E - Gas Law
4F - Entropy and the Second Law
E & M
5A - Electrostatics
5B - Electric Fields and Potential
5C - Capacitance
5D - Resistance
5E - Electromotive Force and Current
5F - DC Circuits
5G - Magnetic Materials
5H - Magnetic Fields and Forces
5J - Inductance
5K - Electromagnetic Induction
5L - AC Circuits
5M - Semiconductors and Tubes
5N - Electromagnetic Radiation
6A - Geometrical Optics
6B - Photometry
6C - Diffraction
6D - Interference
6F - Color
6H - Polarization
6J - The Eye
6Q - Modern Optics
7A - Quantum Effects
7B - Atomic Physics
7D - Nuclear Physics
7F - Relativity
7G - Lasers
8A - Planetary Astronomy
8B - Stellar Astronomy
8C - Cosmology
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One Class Day in Advance
1A - Measurement
1C - Motion in One Dimension
1D - Motion in Two Dimensions
1E - Relative Motion
1F - Newton's First Law
1G - Newton's Second Law
1H - Newton's Third Law
1J - Statics of Rigid Bodies
1K - Applications of Newton's Laws
1L - Gravity
1M - Work and Energy
1N - Linear Momentum and Collisions
1Q - Rotational Dynamics
1R - Properties of Matter
2A - Surface Tension
2B - Statics of Fluids
2C - Dynamics of Fluids
3A - Oscillations
3B - Wave Motion
3C - Acoustics
3D - Instruments
4A - Thermal Properties of Matter
4B - Heat and the First Law
4C - Change of State
4D - Kinetic Theory
4E - Gas Law
4F - Entropy and the Second Law
E & M
5A - Electrostatics
5B - Electric Fields and Potential
5C - Capacitance
5D - Resistance
5E - Electromotive Force and Current
5F - DC Circuits
5G - Magnetic Materials
5H - Magnetic Fields and Forces
5J - Inductance
5K - Electromagnetic Induction
5L - AC Circuits
5M - Semiconductors and Tubes
5N - Electromagnetic Radiation
6A - Geometrical Optics
6B - Photometry
6C - Diffraction
6D - Interference
6F - Color
6H - Polarization
6J - The Eye
6Q - Modern Optics
7A - Quantum Effects
7B - Atomic Physics
7D - Nuclear Physics
7F - Relativity
7G - Lasers
8A - Planetary Astronomy
8B - Stellar Astronomy
8C - Cosmology
Demo Request Form