Electric Fields and Potential

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Electric Field

5B10.10 - Hair on End
5B10.15 - van de Graaff Streamers
5B10.25 - Styrofoam Peanuts
5B10.26 - Electrified Strings
5B10.31 - Volta's Hailstorm
5B10.35 - Electrostatic Ping-Pong
5B10.40 - Fuzzy Fur Field Tank
5B10.65 - CRT and Charged Rod
5B10.80 - Torque on Electric Dipole
5B10.99 - Tinker Toy Electric Field Models

Gauss' Law

5B20.10 - Faraday's Ice Pail
5B20.30 - Electroscope in Cage
5B20.31 - Electroscope in Cage on Wimshurst
5B20.35 - Radio in Cage
5B20.37 - Tesla Coil and Lamp

Electrostatic Potential

5B30.10 - Surface Charge Density - Balls
5B30.20 - Charged Ovoid
5B30.35 - Point and Ball with van de Graaff
5B30.40 - Electric Wind
5B30.50 - Pinwheel
5B30.60 - Cottrell Precipitator