Expand all + Static Pressure 2B20.10 - Pressure Independent of Direction 2B20.15 - Pressure vs. Depth 2B20.16 - Water vs. Alcohol 2B20.20 - Dropping Plate 2B20.40 - Pascal's Vases 2B20.60 - Hydraulic Press 2B20.61 - Two Syringes + Atmospheric Pressure 2B30.05 - Brass Bar 2B30.10 - Crush the Gallon Can 2B30.15 - Crush the Pop Can 2B30.25 - Crush the Can with Pump 2B30.30 - Magdeburg Hemispheres 2B30.36 - Suction Cup 2B30.45 - Card on Inverted Glass 2B30.50 - Lift a Stool 2B30.60 - Stick and Newspaper 2B30.70 - Vacuum Bazooka + Density and Buoyancy 2B40.10 - Weigh Submerged Block 2B40.14 - Measuring Buoyant Force 2B40.15 - Finger in Beaker 2B40.20 - Archimede's Principle 2B40.45 - Weight of Air 2B40.50 - Poly Density Bottle 2B40.57 - Density of Pop (Soda) 2B40.85 - Density Balls in Sand + Siphons, Fountains and Pumps 2B60.20 - Siphon